My Computer Science Superheroes

Larry Page

What are major dates regarding Larry Page?

How was Larry Page educated?
Larry Page attended Michigan State University and graduated with a computer engineering degree in 1995. Then he went to Stanford University to get a PhD.

How did Larry Page contribute to computer science?
Larry Page made a superior way to explore the internet in a timely manner. Before Larry Page made this with his partner, the World Wide Web would merely list all the websites that had the key words you typed into it. This list may be exhaustive and not applicable to what you were looking for. Larry Page and Sergey Brin made a PageRank that listed sites from having the most appearances on other sites to having the least appearances/hyperlinks on other sites.

What is an interesting fact from the life of Larry Page?
Larry Page and his colleagues, Sergey Brin, and Eric Schmidt lowered their salaries to one dollar per year, and did not take bonuses, then put their personal finance into the hands of Google stocks.

How can I learn more about Larry Page?
Britannica Biography of Larry Page
Academy of Achievement
Stanford University

Larry Page Larry Page is on the left, and his partner Sergey Brin is on the right

Ada Lovelace

What are major dates related to Ada Lovelace?

How was Ada Lovelace educated?
Private tutors schooled Ada Lovelace in math and sciences. Ada's mother was educated and made sure that her daughter was too. She wanted Ada's studies to be concentrated on math and science because she did not want her daughter to end up like her crazy poet father.

What are Ada Lovelace's contributions to computer science?
Ada Lovelace looked at both the difference and analytical engine. She made considerable number of annotations on a memoir that she translated; it was about the analytical engine. She always had an eye for the future of technology, realizing that computers had the potential to go far beyond what they could do at the age she was in.

How can I learn more about Ada Lovelace?
Computer History Museum
Science Women
Famous Scientists

Ada Lovelace This is Ada Lovelace

Elizabeth Feinler

What are major dates connected to Elizabeth Feinler?

Where was Elizabeth Feinler educated?
Feinler attended West Liberty University and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry in 1954. After she did graduate work in biochemistry at Purdue University.

How did Elizabeth Feinler contribute to computer science?
Elizabeth's main contribution to computer science was creating a top-level domain naming system that made the expansive internet much easier to manage. Other lesser accomplishments include working on precursors to the internet like ARPANET and DDN and helping make yellow and white page servers.

How can I learn more about Elizabeth Feinler?
Internet Hall of Fame

Elizabeth Feinler Elizabeth "Jake" Feinler